Career Path At Merchant Navy

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Long and Paid Holidays

As an officer you enjoy long holiday like 3 on & 3 off or 4 on & 2 off etc. The officer can make his contracts as per his requirement & mutual understanding with shipping company. Moreover many companies even pay you the salary when you are on holiday at your home (Itsn't it exciting).

Free Family carrying Facility / Lodging & Boarding

Most of the companies provide the facility to the senior officers to take their families along with them on ship at company expense (Free). Moreover on ship you gets Free Lodging/Boarding & many other free benefits like medical/insurance etc.

Work as long as others do/shore job

You can work till the age 55-60 years (as per your capability) and after that can avail many opportunities on land. Today these are plenty of jobs available for the officers on the land after sailing Experience. They can work in shipping offices, Institutes etc.